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3 Days acholi cultural tours

Acholi Cultural Tours in Gulu with Grime Safaris is a moment to learn African Tradition and Norms which include; Acholi Traditional Dances, Craftsmanship, Acholi Culinary Experience, Acholi Village Walks, Acholi Village Life Experience, e.t.c 

On this 3 days Acholi cultural tours in Gulu, Northern Uganda with Grime Safaris, our Acholi Cultural Tour Guide will take you through the Acholi Village activities only crafted perfectly for you to enjoy Acholi Experience (African experiences)

Moo yaa iacholi
Bwola Dance, Acholi Tours

Acholi people - a luo speaking group are decendents of Labongo a brother to Gipir father of the Alur (Legend of the spear and the bead)

Acholi people of Northern Uganda have up to about 54 clans all of them are ruled by their clan heads known as Rwot (Chief).


Acholi Traditional Dances Highlight

Acholi Cultural Dances are common in Gulu and the rest of Northern Uganda in districts of Kitgum, Nwoya, Omoro, Pader, Lawmo and Agago.

Acholi traditional dances are so many and each of them represent an occasion in life of an Acholi and all of these Acholi Dances are normally performed on specific events or functions.

These Acholi Dances include; Bwola, Larakaraka, Otole, Dingi Dingi, Aguma, Adungu, Nanga, Myel Lyel, Apitti, Acut e.t.c

Bwola Dance - Royal Dance

Bwola Dance – Acholi Royal Dance
Performed in Acholi royal events like crowing of new Acholi Chiefs, welcoming Acholi Chiefs in events. Present day, Acholi Bwola Dances are also performed in major events, celebrations, marriage events, church functions e.t.c

Larakaraka Dance - Acholi Courtship Dance

Larakaraka – Courtship Dance
Larakaraka/Orak is one of the Acholi Courtship dances performed during leisure time by the Acholis back in the day, present day we still have some communities that do perform it in the evening time (Leisure time) although mostly commercialised groups for profit interest.
Larakaraka was a moment to spot a perfect marriage partner amongst the Acholi youth (Young adults), every male dancer was to show the best talents/skills in dancing to impress a female dancer to choose him for marriage.

Otole Dance - Acholi War Dance

Otole – War Dance
Performed initially by the Acholi People during war and after war to courage amongst Acholi warriors in event of preparation for war and celebration after wining a war against their enemies/rivals
Today this dance is still being performed in Acholi events, celebrations e.t.c

Aguma Dance

Aguma is one of the most unique Acholi Dances performed by youths or sometimes adults to advocate for a course in Acholi. These areas of concerns in Acholi that are sang in Aguma may include; poaching, Education, Domestic violence, Marriage, Courtship e.t.c

This kind of dance and music shows that Acholi people are so talented have good morals and have ways that help to cub their matters of concern. 

Lukeme Dance - Acholi teaching Dance group

In Acholi, group of young men and women normally form Music, Dance and Drama group known as Lukeme group which they use it as an avenue to send a message to the society through music sound and songs. Lukeme is a musical instrument made from pieces of metal layed on a wooden box engineered to make nice music sound. Lukume Dance is used to teach members of the Acholi, appreciate efforts of individuals or organizations or leaders through music in Acholi.

Dingi Dingi - Acholi Young Girls Dance

Young girls in Acholi land have their dance called Dingi Dingi.

Acholi girls under the adolescent stage performed this dance to show their dancing skills, talent and how fit they are with passion and love for their identity as Acholi Girls.

On random Acholi Cultural Tours with Grime Safaris, if you're lucky among the random 3-4 traditional dances that we craft on our Acholi tours in Gulu, or the rest of Northern Uganda, we incoorperate  Dingi Dingi Dance.

Acut Dance - Acholi Women Dance

Acut Dance is one of the Acholi dances performed by women in times of drought when there is no rain. They do this to request the gods for rain to enable their crops to yield. In the present day, Acut is very rarely performed among the Acholi People


Ajere Dance - Acholi Courtship Dance

Just like Larakaraka, Ajere Dance is also another Courtship dance that gave bachelors/young adults to get their potential marriage partners. The uniqueness of this Dance is that, it’s performed using a small ax (Currently properly shaped wood that looks like an ax) held by male dancers. It is so amazing to watch this beautiful dance, on the tour you’ll be free to join the dancers to learn a few skills in Ajere Dance.

Nanga Music

Nanga music in Acholi is a kind of Acholi which is/was performed by only mature Acholi men from the age of 45 to 60 and above.

It is a music type that was to mentor Acholi people in various aspects of life but more than 75% of it was attributed to painful songs that could even cause suicide amongst those that play it.

Nanga is limited to the younger Acholi generation because they haven't reached that period of persevering pain and suffering

Myel Agulu Dance - Pot Dance

Myel Agulu is an Acholi dance performed by the Acholi girls (ladies) as a time to show their creativity in addition to having Acholi dancing skills.

Normally Acholi Myel Agulu is performed by the girl or girls putting on their head up to about 5, 6 or 8 small pots on their then they begin to dance. It is really amazing to watch these Acholi girls dance with pride this Agulu Dance. 

acholi craftsmanship

For over the years right from stone age period, mankind has always been creative and continued to be more innovative in doing certain things like; art and crafts, creating new machines to simplify work, creating new technologies to reduce workload, but to skip that from your mind, we really love all those ideas and inventions.
During Acholi Cultural Tours, we decided to break that chain and not let go of the ancient ways humans used to do their things with more focus on the Acholi People.
The hands-on skills in Clay molding to create pots, bowls, cups,platter, plates, Jars, Kettles e.t.c. We have some passionate artisans specializing clay molding, Basketry where different containers are made by hand from Palm materials (Borassus Palm) e.g. Adira, Odero, Aduku e.t.c
On this craftmanship experience with Grime Safaris, you’ll go through an informal lecture on how these baskets in different forms, patterns and formats are made, where the materials are got, how they’re preserved, the mathematics involved in measurements during manufacture with the help of bare hands and no machine at all.

Not to be misguided on our Acholi Cultural Tour for better description to make tourists/tour guides/stakeholder understand our tour element fatser we choose to name this experience Pottery. The correct one is Clay Molding Experience because there are series of items made from clay apart from pots which include; Jars, Kettles, Bowls, Cups, Platters, Potraits, Scultures, e.t.c
On this amazing experience we showcase to you the process of how clay is extracted from its mining site (swamps, riverside, stream site e.t.c), how clay is preserved, dried, broken to smaller pieces, made into mud again to make the finest clay products that are during and do not make cracks after completion.
We majorly have women doing this activity out of passion, inheritance from parents, being near neighbours that do this same thing and for commercial gain.

Acholi Pottery Experience
Pottery in Acholi tours with Grime Safaris
Odero weaving in Acholi

Wood Curving


Acholi Culinary experience in Acholi with Grime Safaris Uganda is a tour experience that involves showcasing of various Acholi Cuisines, Snacks, how they're prepared process by process by Acholi special chefs (mainly women)

Our Acholi Tour Guide will take you through the various unique Acholi dishes, you'll be able to participate in the process of hand crafting some unique and delicious Acholi dishes which include;

Boo, Malakwang, Otigo, Otigo Lwoka, Laphori, Gweno, Akeyo, Dek Ngo, Lakotokoto, Lachakachaka, e.t.c

Acholi Culinary Tour
Acholi Village
Acholi snacks, Acholi Tours

acholi moo yaah experience

Moo yaa experience in Acholi, Northern Uganda. Moo yaa also known as Shea butter is a famous oil got from the shear tree or shearnut tree which is both edible as a fruit and seeds used for making oil for cosmetics and edible oil respectively.

On Acholi tours with Grime Safaris we show you how the Acholi people in Gulu and the rest of Northern Uganda make Shearnut locally by hand until it is eaten in food good for Dek Ngo in particular.

Moo yaa iacholi
Moo Yaa Experience, Acholi Tours with Grime Saafaris