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1 day gulu bicycle tours

Aruu Falls Camping and Cycling tour

Gulu City is situated in Northern Uganda bordered by Omoro, Nwoya, Amuru, Pader and Kitgum Districts. It takes about 5-6 hours to drive on car from Kampala capital city of Uganda to Gulu City. Gulu is an Acholi district dominated by Acholi people followed by some other diverse cultures that include; the Bantus speaking tribes, Americans, Italians, Germans e.t.c all staying in Gulu City for work, stay (residence), tour, studies/internship e.t.c

Gulu has one the best hospital people in Uganda if not the whole world, Acholi people are warmly welcoming and always happy to link up with foreign individuals.

Visit Gulu City today and we take you through a wonderful Gulu City Tour on a bicycle. Grime Safaris Tour guides are always ready to take you on an amazing journey on our Gulu Bicycle Trail.

Details of the 1 Day Gulu Bicycle Tour

Gulu Bicycle Tours

On this one day Gulu Bicycle Tour with Grime Safaris in Gulu, Northern Uganda, expect to indulge into Acholi Villages loaded with series of Acholi Cultural encounters.

Gulu Bicycle Tour with Grime Safaris offers tourists a chance to visit Acholi Historical Sites, Acholi Business Sites, Acholi Cultural Preservation Sites, Acholi Religious Sites and Acholi Adventure Sites.

The greatest reason for this Bicycle Tour experience is to enable tourists easily encounter the Acholi local community, understand the culture and tradition of the Acholi people, have a fitness refreshing tour experience, a one in a lifetime experience experiencing an eco-friendly tour in Acholi Villages and to contribute to sustainable community empowerment through tourism.

Gulu is a city in Northern Uganda with the best terrain perfect for Cycling, the routes are well interconnected good for cycling, rich in culture and diversity of the Acholi, in addition there are series of interesting activities going within and around the city worth paying a visit plus the unique built up attractions.

Camping and Cycling Tours, Gulu
Religious Tours, Gulu

Places to visit during Gulu Bicycle Tours with Grime Safaris

Gulu Cathedral

Taks Art Center

Gulu Recreation Center

Commercial Farms

Acholi Villages

Acholi Markets

Acholi Landmarks

Things to carry on this 1 Day Gulu Bicycle Tour include;

Water Bottle

Small Back bag 

Pocket Money for snacks, food and Souvenir

Face Mask to avoid dust on dusty roads

First Medication in case of any health condition


Camera for memories

Light Clothing

Additional Things that can be arranged if you need on this 1 day Gulu Bicycle tour include;

Acholi Traditional Dances performances

Larakaraka dance_11zon
Bwola Dance, Gulu City

Acholi Culinary Tour Experiences

Did you know that Acholi people have more than 50 foods and are so nutritious and medicinal, this is the very reason why Acholi elders lived longer due to their healthy diet. On this Gulu Bicycle Tour we can add Acholi Culinary Experience for you to have a taste of some unique Acholi dishes and learn how they are prepared.

Dek ngo, Acholi Culinary Tour
Acholi snacks, Acholi Tours

Acholi Music Experience

Acholi Pottery Classes

Acholi Basket Weaving Classes

Acholi Blacksmith Experience